North Ridge Cottages

55+ Communities

55+ Communities Are Growing Younger…Not Older

55+ Communities Are Growing Younger…Not Older

55+ Communities Are Growing Younger…Not Older

Aging has undergone a paradigm shift, and I hope you’re a part of it! Times, they are indeed a’changin! As baby boomers age, they are rewriting all the rules, and it is true for 55+ retirement communities as well.

Is sixty the new forty? According to the Huffington Post, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” With wisdom and maturity, the newly retiring baby boomers are coming to terms with fulfillment and redesigning their lives in the process. Nowhere is that truer than in the development of retirement communities. 

The outdated model of nursing homes as places to deposit a blue-haired granny no one has the time or inclination to handle is no longer true. Instead, communities are beginning to embrace these years before handling the needs of declining health. Residents in these communities carry on as they always have, living full lives, and determining how to spend their hours. 


Writer Brad Breeding is quick to point out in My Life Site that today’s 55+ communities are nothing like your granny’s retirement home. Younger retirees form the matrix of a growing body of newly aging people embracing this trend of freedom. They are characterized by good health, active lifestyles, and friendly natures. Whether they like to putz around in a garden or play tennis or cook gourmet meals, these new communities are more utopian, and they are catching on!

Come for a visit. Enjoy the amenities. Make some new friends. Ask questions, lots of them! The question isn’t, “Would I want to live here?” More appropriately, “Why wouldn’t I want to live here?” Don’t let your inborn skepticism derail you here. Just take the challenge. 


We believe that this new trend is going to continue to be the burgeoning niche in aging, a sweet spot between the property being too much to handle, and the need for round-the-clock nursing care. Yes, aging folks are going to require skilled nursing care at some point…but that point is further and further on the horizon as the baby boomers age on their own terms. 55+ communities are embracing the paradigm shift, and it’s about time!

55+ Communities
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